About Me!

Hey there! Welcome to my blog. Let me give you my introduction first. I am a girl, daughter, and friend. More than that, I am a passionate person. I am passionate about my hobbies and the things which I like the most. In short, I am Preyasi. :) 

My passion is doodling. When I talk about doodling, I have explored it broadly, by doodling on paper, on products, and on a wall. 

Talking about climate activism and sustainability, I am a nature-lover. I am always affected by the fact that we, the “great” humans, could make harm to nature. This is a cause that I have been working on since I attended a workshop. My main aim, for now, is to make people aware and come up with solutions to plastic pollution. 

Ok, ok, let’s not get carried away into that topic. 

And I have also developed a new passion recently of films! I like to shoot, make, and edit videos. I am also exploring stop motion films and have been enjoying that so far (since I need patience for this, not sure how I’m gonna do it). I am also on my way to make and publish a short horror film. Stay tuned for that.

So where was I? Yes, moving on towards my hobbies! I do like reading. I read, yes, I do. 

I also like listening to music, which I didn’t use to earlier. I also like other kinds of visual arts, like painting. And I started learning keyboard through YouTube tutorials. Umm… I guess that’s it. Oh, and FYI, I also like playing with legos. 

Admit it: you just read a really loooonnnngggg autobiography of Preyasi. xD 

I will be starting my blog from here. So… stay tuned!  
