My Passion!

Yo! ‘Sup? 

Ok. I am not that kind of person, but it felt like the right intro. 

Anyways, I am Preyasi. And this blog post is a mixture of 1 pump of doodle, 4 cups of climate activism, 2 ½ cups of filmmaking, and video making. These passion ingredients are gonna make a delicious ‘me’. 

Let us add 1 pump of doodle to my recipe. 

I am a doodler, or a doodle artist, not sure what it’s called. I am very passionate about doodling and it’s my hobby. I doodle for passing time. I doodle when I am bored to death. I doodle when I feel like it. I have a whole blog post explaining a loooong project of doodling and my passion for doodling, so you can go just simply ahead and read that post. 

Okay, we have added the 1 pump of doodle, now let’s move on to… wait a min, I forgot the recipe. Oh yeah, we’re supposed to add 4 cups of climate activism. 

Climate activism is something that I really care about. I am very interested in solving climate change through different forms of activism. I am really passionate about solving the plastic crisis and making Earth a better place to live in. 

Okay…. Let’s add the 2 ½ cups of filmmaking and video making. 

I have no idea how I developed my passion for making a film. Probably it is from watching all YouTuber’s behind the scenes which made me excited, or a topic in school about camera angles and shots, etc. or maybe it is because I really enjoy video editing. But yeah, I got interested in films somehow and I wanted to make a film myself. So I have dedicated myself to starting to make a film, and the film is not ready yet, but I have started making it. It is gonna be a short film, and a mystery thriller/horror kinda story. 

And we conclude our recipe of the delicious ‘me’ AKA ‘Preyasi’. 

I hope you enjoy the meal that I prepared for you. I am going to place the meal on my study chair so that it can start with its online school. 

Bye! Stay tuned for more posts!
